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Trees and House

Trees in Trust

Trees in Trust Plant a tree by your home! The City’s Trees in Trust program needs your help to find suitable locations for street trees. Street trees are available by request on a first come, first served basis. If your City-owned street frontage lacks a


Commemorative Trees

The City is now accepting new commemorative tree requests for the fall planting season. Program The Commemorative Tree Program was established in 1989. The City assists families or groups who wish to have a tree planted in a City park in remembrance or to commemorate

Prune Young Tree

Young Tree Maintenance

If the tree is staked, make sure the ties aren’t too tight. All stakes should be removed for trees that are older than two years. Pull any weeds out from around the base, add a layer of mulch and water moderately. If the tree is


Rain Garden

A rain garden contains a strategically located combination of grasses, perennials and shrubs that tolerate moist conditions (such as Iris versicolor, Carex, Lysimachia punctata, Lysimachia nummularia, Typhia latifolia, Scirpus). It can temporarily hold rainwater runoff from the roof, eavestroughs, slopes in your property, and excess