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Blackburn Youth Group Responds to Growth

Published in The BANAR November 2001
by Gord Hawley

Asked recently at a recent BCA meeting why we had not been putting our dance dates in the Banar gave me the opportunity to give the “Good News — Bad News” response. The good news was that the dances have been an amazing success! Bad news was that we were having to refuse entry to 50 to 60 youth at each dance earlier this year and that it was creating quite a problem for the adult supervisors at the front doors.

Additional Dance Dates

After several options were considered we are pleased to announce that an additional dance date will be held on the 2nd Friday evening of each month. This new series of dances is for the older members of our group – ages 13 to 18 only. As our Association is now almost four years old, our younger members have grown up and their taste in music has changed as well as their desire to not be with the younger members. By adding this additional dance date, we will be able to accommodate the overflow interest in the dances — for now. . .

Many of the older group still attend the BHYA dances for ages 10 to 18, which are held on the 4th Friday of each month (except December) so that they can be with their younger siblings or just continue their interest in dancing. In time we will need to add additional dates or find a larger facility!

In October, we started a new series of dances at the Cyrville Community Centre on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month. We hope this will help generate additional revenues to help cover the operating costs at our Blackburn dances. The Cyrville Community Centre dances are open to young persons ages 13 to 17 only.

Receipt Draw and Christmas Candy raffle

On November 17 and 18, (Saturday and Sunday) from 11 am until 4 pm we will be holding a “Receipt” Draw contest, and a Christmas Candy raffle at LOEB’s. For just $1 you can enter the Receipt Draw with your LOEB grocery receipt for either or both of those days. The winner of the Receipt Draw will win the value of their grocery receipt in gift certificates from LOEB’s. The Christmas Candy raffle is just 50 cents per ticket and the winner will be the one who guesses closest to the total of candies in the container — try your luck!!

BHYA 1st Annual Volunteer Appreciation Evening

On Friday December 21, the BHYA is hosting its first annual Volunteer Appreciation evening at the Community Hall. The BCA has graciously agreed to run the cash bar and will receive all the proceeds from the bar for their participation.

Volunteers are being invited by personal invitation, and there will be a limited number of additional tickets for sale for just $10 per couple. This will be a combination dance and silent auction. Items for the auction table would be greatly appreciated.

Since the BHYA was formed in April of 1998, we have held over 40 youth dances serving hundreds of youth from our community and their friends. We have also been active in the BCA Fun Fair and in a variety of other events. This has been possible only because of the generous help and support provided by our large number of volunteers.

Upcoming 2002 Fun Fair

For the upcoming 2002 Fun Fair we are forming a youth steering committee to look into  developing more programs of interest for the older youth of our community at the Fun Fair. Remember, “Today’s Youth are Tomorrows Leaders”.

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