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Parks Update June 1974

From The BANAR June 1974

At their April 29/74 meeting, the Township of Gloucester Council approved the hiring of D.W. Graham and Associates (landscape architects) to supervise the completion of basic standards on Bearbrook Park, the construction of a baseball diamond and tennis courts, preparation of concept plan for Bearbrook Park playground and examination of other open spaces in the Hamlet, and to coordinate the construction of the walk and pool. Your Board is pleased to have this firm working on our behalf and are confident that they will do a fine job for us.

SWIMMING POOL COMMITTEE – On May 2/74 the pool consultant hired by the Centre Board presented his concept plans for the Bearbrook swimming pool. The plans were generally acceptable and the committee made a number of suggestions. There were mainly requests for expanded information and specifications. Our consultant warned us about some critical supply situations that puts the full operation of our pool this summer somewhat in doubt. We are ever hopeful that we will get some swimming in this year but the opening date keeps sliding as the tendering stage gets closer.

TENNIS COURTS & BASEBALL COMMITTEE – A proposal for the operation of tennis courts was presented at the April 30/74 Centre Board meeting. The Tennis Court Committee presented a proposal for the operation and maintenance of the courts which in effect said that they would form a club to be responsible for these items in return for preferential treatment in the use of the courts. Not all members agreed with this concept but the Board accepted it in principle.

PLAYGROUND COMMITTEE – The Playground committee sponsored a public information meeting May 2/74. Miss Jane Knight, a playground consultant with the Ontario Sports and Recreation Branch, gave a slide show and talk on playground types and development. Our recently hired landscape architect Jerr Corsh of D.W. Graham & Assoc. also attended the meeting. There was some lively discussion on playground philosophy, development and when are we going to get some playgrounds in the Hamlet. — Good questions all.

GENERAL – Sometime soon something is going to happen in Bearbrook Park. The first person to spot a suspicious looking bulldozer or man with shovel will get the Blackburn Hamlet first robin award.

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