2548 Cleroux

2548 Cleroux Cres.

This application is to consider the zone amendments for six City owned sites to accommodate residential development, which will include affordable units. These sites have been identified as part of the Housing Accelerator Fund initiative to “Accelerate Disposal and Preparation of City-owned Lands for Housing.”

Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre

Anti-Fraud Presentation

There was a record crowd in attendance at the September 26th Discovery Café, where the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre gave a captivating presentation on current Fraud Trends and how to identify and avoid them.  For those who are interested in this important topic, a copy of

Puddle Rink

Bearbrook Puddle Rink

The BCA and the City of Ottawa are aware of recent changes made by the Good Shepherd School on their property adjacent to the rink. The City and the School are working to resolve issues with the berm that was inadvertently installed on City property


Protect yourself from scams!

Published in The BANAR September 2024 Don Kelly, BCA Safety Director Scams seem to be everywhere. Scenario 1: You get an email from your bank that says there has been an adjustment to your account and the bank owes you money. The email requests that

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