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Well-deserved tribute to Founder of Allotment Gardens

Published in The BANAR April, 2018 by John ApSimon, President GAGA*

George Bushell GardensGeorge Bushell, who has been the founding influence on the community gardens in  Blackburn Hamlet at Orient Park and on the gardens on our Anderson Road site at Weir Road, is leaving the city. He and his wife Joanne are moving to Kitchener in late March to be closer to family.

George was President of the Gloucester Allotment Gardening Association for over three decades and before that was instrumental is setting up and designing the great facilities at both sites. His relations with all, from the NCC, the City, sponsors such as Friends of Mer Bleue and LaFarge were instrumental is our success. His gentle, but persuasive manner coupled with his comprehensive knowledge and experience has enabled the gardens to operate seamlessly and successfully for decades. He has inspired many local gardeners to get their hands dirty and produce great organic produce annually.

Today nearly 400 plots are under cultivation each year with participation from hundreds of gardeners from Blackburn Hamlet and elsewhere throughout the city.

On March 14th the GAGA Executive Committee paid tribute to George and his wife Joanne (somebody has to prepare and freeze all of the produce) at Makita Kitchen Bar restaurant on Bank Street. At that time we announced that the garden sites would henceforth be identified as the George Bushell Gardens although name of the Association remains the legal entity. All from GAGA wish George and Joanne all the very best of luck and peace in their move. Many thanks for years—even decades.

* Gloucester Allotment Gardening Association (GAGA)

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