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Looks like we’re going to get it!

Published in The BANAR February 1997
by Al Ross and Michael Martin

The recent budget of the City of Gloucester includes provisions for the construction of a long-awaited Community Centre for Blackburn Hamlet.

Specific plans have not been started yet, but the preliminary feasibility study will gain momentum during the first week of February. For years there has been both a desire and a need for such a facility in Blackburn Hamlet. We are the only planning community in Gloucester without one.

Through the dedicated efforts of our municipal councillor Rainer Bloess, the goodwill of Blackburn Minor Hockey in foregoing some planned improvements to the arena, the significant contribution of the Blackburn Recreation and Parks Board, and the cooperation of Gloucester City Council, the possibility of a community centre for Blackburn Hamlet has passed the dream stage.

The amount budgeted by the City is $300,000, which will come from a combination of Recreation and Parks Reserves, maintenance and upgrade money planned by the Recreation department, and community funds.

In order for this project to proceed, the Blackburn community must also contribute approximately $30,000.

The BCA has approved this expenditure in principle, however, given the amount of community money involved, the final decision will be put to the community at a general meeting on Monday, March 17 at 7:30 p.m. at the Blackburn Fire Hall.

The most likely location being considered for the centre at this early stage of planning, is the Arena area, where an existing infrastructure (staff, maintenance, heating, electricity, etc.) could possibly be shared by both buildings therefore not creating a large extra cost.

A consultant architect was appointed by the City in late January, and input from potential users has been solicited through a focus group session held earlier this month. The objective is to have a proposal ready for approval by the first City Council meeting in March.

Many of the administration, maintenance and operating issues have not been worked out, but it is expected that these issues will be handled in a manner similar to other community halls in the City.

The BCA will be the community focal point for this project, and those interested in further information should contact Al Ross, the Director of Civic Affairs.

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