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Grand Opening Weekend of new Community Hall

Published in The BANAR April 1999
by Al Ross

On March 26th we had a “Grand Opening Weekend” of our new Community Hall. The opening ceremony took place Friday evening with Mayor Cain, wine & cheese, 1 r delicious punch, and a special cake donated by Wayne Beaudoin from Loeb. Saturday was Youth Day, hosted by the Blackburn Youth Association, and included Breakfast, Lunch, Bingo, Curolling, and a Youth Dance. On Sunday the intellectuals took over and we had a Chess Day. All events were well attended and the many favourable comments indicated that we really have a good thing here, and that we can all take pride in knowing that it was the Blackburn Community that made it all possible.

One of the great successes on the opening weekend was the major contribution of our Blackburn Youth Association under the direction of Gord Hawley. This group continues to play an increasingly essential role in our community, and have been one of the more prominent users of the Hall since its completion in February. Every Youth Dance has been a sellout and it appears that expansion of the Hall may be required sooner than expected.

The Hall is available to any group in Blackburn Hamlet. This includes team parties, meetings, receptions, business meetings, etc. There is a small “kitchen” area with a convection oven, a sink, a fridge, and there is a serving window both to the Hall and to the outside. The main room is approximately 1350 sq. ft. and the official capacity has been set at 100. The limitation is base upon the washroom facilities rather than the actual seating capacity of the Hall itself. We have 20 folding plastic moulded tables and 112 stackable chairs. There is virtually no storage space for groups to put their “stuff” but there is a shelf in the storage room.

To reserve the Hall, call me and I will explain the costs, rules and regulations, and availability of the Hall. For most community serving groups there is no charge for the Hall. Bookings for evening activities are going very well, but we are looking for people to run daytime programs during the week.

We are also looking for someone to take over the responsibility for booking the Hall, and if no one comes forward, we will have ask the City to do it for us, which will be very inconvenient for the Community.

Blackburn Hamlet Community Hall 1999

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