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Futuristic domed sports facility in Hornets Nest

Published in The BANAR November 2004

Working with the City of Ottawa under the Public/Private Partnership (3P) TMSI Sports Management has entered into a 25-year lease of the Hornets Nest field #12 to erect an air supported dome structure. The Ottawa Thunderdome Sports Centre was officially opened November 9th.

“The east end of Ottawa has seen significant growth over the past decade, increasing the need for quality recreational program space.” said Councillor Rainer Bloess. “This impressive PC venture ensures our residents access to a superior facility without the burden of debt. It also establishes us as leaders in innovation  collaboration.”

The Ottawa Thunderdome Sports Centre will be one of Canada’s showcase multi-purpose sports fields. The state of the art, energy efficient structure incorporates the latest innovations in design, anchoring, mechanical and electrical systems.

The 24-metre high dome will house the largest indoor driving range and golf school in Canda. Three fields are available for a variety of sports such as ultimate Frisbee, rugby, lacrosse, football and will be home to the Gloucester Soccer Association.

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