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2458 Cleroux Crescent

City staff are now in receipt of a “complete” application for a Site Plan Control Approval (D07-12-22-0144) as they pertain to a property within Innes Ward 2.

SUBJECT SITE: The subject site, 2458 Cleroux Crescent, is an irregular shaped parcel containing a single-detached dwelling with two vinyl sheds. The site is on the west side of Cleroux Crescent (with Cleroux Crescent being considered to be a north-south street) in Blackburn Hamlet. The neighbourhood consist of low-rise residential developments with a mix of single, two, and three-storey buildings. The eastern portion of Cleroux Cres. predominately features single-detached dwellings, while the western portion has more variety in housing types and scale.

SITE PLAN CONTROL PROPOSAL: The proposed redevelopment of the site consists of a 3-storey, residential rental apartment building. In total the project will contain 17 residential units (including a mix of one-bedroom and two-bedroom units) and include 720 metres square of amenity and communal area. A total of 24 underground parking spaces are proposed, 20 are dedicated for resident use and 4 are provided for visitor parking. Additionally, the proposal provides 13 interior bicycle parking spaces located in the underground parking level and four spaces located at-grade beside the entrance to the building. Also, located in the underground parking is the common garbage room and utility room.

For more information, please visit…/appl…/D07-12-22-0144/details

2548 Cleroux

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