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FunFair 2015

The success of Blackburn Funfair

Published in The BANAR, September 2016 by François Trépanier After participating in the Blackburn Funfair for several years, my observation is that the success of the Blackburn Funfair depends on two factors: the weather and volunteer efforts. While we can agree that we have no

Thank you

2014 Volunteer of the year

Published in The BANAR November, 2014. On October 4th, Sarah Dawson was awarded the Blackburn Hamlet Community Volunteer of the Year plaque. Since 2008 Sarah has been heavily involved with the Blackburn Funfair and in 2013 started a Fun Run on the Sunday of Funfair

2012 Volunteer Recognition

Celebration of Volunteers in Blackburn Hamlet

Published in The BANAR November 2012 On September 15th in the Blackburn Community Hall, four very deserving Blackburn residents were recognised for the outstanding contribution they had done for the community. They were surrounded by a host of like-minded volunteers at the annual dinner. Community

Volunteer Awards

Deserving community volunteers

Published in The BANAR November 2011 by Laura Dudas, President of BCA The BCA hosted its annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on September 21 as a way of giving back to those in our community who selflessly give to others. Honoured at the ceremony was Roger

Thank you

Volunteers honoured at awards evening

Published in The BANAR February 2003 by Rainer Bloess The second annual Blackburn Hamlet volunteer recognition evening was held at the Blackburn Community Hall on January 11. Community Builder Awards were given to three very deserving recipients and plaques and certificates of recognition to volunteers