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Virtual Annual General Meeting

Please be advised that the Blackburn Community Association (BCA) Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Thursday, March 24, 2022 at 7:30 pm. Participation is open to all residents of Blackburn Hamlet. However, voting privileges are only for residents who have renewed their BCA

Rink Volunteers

Outdoor rinks open!

Outdoor skating rinks in Blackburn Hamlet are now open the community! For those of you looking to get outside this holiday season consider checking out our rinks at Norman Johnston School, Bearbrook park or Micohael Budd Park. This year, with the recent spike in COVID

Pancake Breakfast

Holiday Pancake Breakfast

Due to the recent rise in Covid cases in the area we have made the tough decision to cancel the event for this year. We want to keep everyone as safe as possible and believe this is a step in the right direction. Come join

Poetry Contest

2021 Youth Poetry Prize Winners

In September 2021, the BCA invited local youth aged ten to twelve to write a poem about COVID-19. Congratulations to all of the young people who found time to put their thoughts and feelings into words and submit a poem! The BCA is proud to



In the November 2021 issue of the BANAR we accidentally omitted the last line in one of the winning poems from the BCA Youth Poetry Prize. Our sincere apologies to Shanika for this mistake! La Pandémie pour moi by Shanika Parent Je ne peux plus

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