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New Blackburn Community Association Board of Directors

Published in The BANAR September 2001

A very interesting BCA Annual General Meeting was held June 21st at the Blackburn Library and a new Board of Directors for 2001-02 was elected. We are pleased to announce that Al Ross, formerly Director of Civic Affairs will be leading the new board as President of the BCA with the assistance of vice-president, Chris Noyes. New directors to the board are Jennifer Collins (secretary), Jessica Tranquilli Doherty (Civic Affairs), and Paula Rosenquist (Education). Directors returning from last year include Marion Jones, Cate Palmer, Sandra Quaia, Barbara Sweazey, Monica de Römer, Paul Graham, Sarah Cloutier and Gord Hawley. Paul Graham has also volunteered to be chairman of Fun Fair 2002. Other returning members are Rainer Bloess (City Councillor), Jan Whitehouse (Community Hall), Helen Rousseau (web) and Evelyn Budd (BANAR).

Special thanks and plaques were presented on behalf of the community to retiring members Iris Phillips, Lois Kemp and Diane Smyth for their vision and volunteer work on the BCA Executive. They will be greatly missed on the board, but we have no doubt they will remain “involved”.

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