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Seniors Information Night a SINsational Success

Published in The BANAR November 2015

National Seniors Day was celebrated during the first SIN (Seniors Information Night) at the Hamlet trade show. Fifteen tables were set up by local businesses, resource centres, community clubs, and the public library to offer information tailored for seniors.

Every October 1st, Canada celebrates National Seniors Day. The Government of Canada website says: “Celebrating this day helps raise awareness about seniors’ contributions and the important roles they play in Canadian society.” What better way to celebrate and help Blackburn seniors than to provide relevant topics at the trade show. In doing so, SIN in the Hamlet was launched Thursday, October 1st. The evening provided over 100 people over the age of 50 a fun-filled evening with information as well as socializing, refreshments and opportunities for various groups and businesses to meet and get acquainted. As one participant said “It had a feeling of community”.

The evening would not had been such a great success if it were not for the enthusiasm of the community groups and businesses from Blackburn Hamlet. The organizing committee would like to thank the following for providing such great information, resources and refreshments: AMICA at Bearbrook, Blackburn Lodge Seniors Residence, Toastmasters, HomeLife Capital, Edward Jones, Gloucester Seniors Centre, Blackburn Pharmacy, LaPierre Law Office, Jans Workout, Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre, Quilting Queens, GAGA (Gloucester Allotment Garden Association), Blackburn Hamlet Public Library, Kowalski Hearing Solutions, Firehaus Coffee Roasters and the Blackburn Hamlet Community Association.

The event was organized by the newly created Senior Action Committee, a group of approximately eight seniors (or soon to be seniors —50+), that was created as a subcommittee of the Blackburn Community Association. Their goal is to develop social, economic and service related activities geared to seniors’ needs. The Senior Action Committee is looking to see where activities and opportunities for community interaction can be enhanced. The group started their research and review of the needs of seniors by a survey in the BANAR and at the Fun Fair. The survey will help in creating various activities and addressing concerns. SIN in the Hamlet is only the first of many future activities to be held in the Hamlet.

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