Looking for services in Blackburn?

Blackburn Hamlet has a number of neighborhood services available to you. Check them out below!

City CouncillorLaura DudasLaura Dudas613-580-2472
Ontario MPPStephen BlaisStephen Blais613-834-8679
Federal MPPMarie-France LalondeMarie-France Lalonde613-995-1800
Ottawa PoliceNon Life-Threatening Emergencies613-230-6211
Ottawa PoliceNon-Emergency Reporting613-236-1222 x7300
Community Police OfficerConstable Marc Leroux613-236-1222 x3575
Telehealth OntarioMedical & Health Information1-866-797-0000
Kids Help PhoneText 6868681-800-668-6868
Distress Centre of Ottawa & RegionText 343-306-5550Distress: 613-238-3311
Crisis: 613-722-6914
OCTranspoCustomer Serviceoctranspo.com613-560-5000
City of OttawaCustomer Serviceottawa.ca613-580-2400
National Capital CommissionClient Services613-239-5678

Lois Kemp Arena

Visit the City of Ottawa’s website for arena programs and rentals. Or you can telephone:
613-824-5197 Arena’s direct line
613-580-2595 City of Ottawa Allocations (for rental information)
3-1-1 for general inquiries

Community Hall

The BCA runs events at and manages the rentals for our Community Hall located at 190 Glen Park Drive. For more information on the Hall visit our Community Hall Page.

Emily Murphy Non-Profit Corporation

Emily Murphy Non-Profit Housing Corporation (EMNPHC) provides affordable housing and housing support services in a community setting for young single parents (including youth who are parenting) who choose to live alone with their children. Located in Blackburn Hamlet, EMNPHC consists of 38 two- and three-bedroom stacked townhouses. Website: emilymurphynphc.ca.

Lifecentre Food Bank

As a member agency of the Ottawa Food Bank our Food Bank is honoured to make a difference in our city through food relief, enrichment clinics, school backpacks, Christmas hampers, summer camps, and free clothing pop-up shops. Together, we can make a difference. Website: lifecentre.org/foodbank.

Ottawa Public Library

The Blackburn Hamlet branch of the Ottawa Public Library is located in the heart of the neighbourhood. You can attend free programming for children, teens, and adults. These include our popular Babytime, Family Storytime, and Bookchats. You can borrow trendy magazines, read the latest newspapers, or download music, eBooks, and movies! You can also access some great resources that you may not think libraries offer such as Chromebooks to borrow, free WiFi and computer access, Kill-A-Watt meters, and more! Of course the branch has a wonderful selection of books to choose from – there is something for all tastes and all ages. You can get any item from our catalogue delivered to the Blackburn Hamlet branch to make it easier for you to borrow! Friendly and welcoming employees can help you with your research, and are pleased to answer your questions. Stop in and explore something new, enjoy a bit of quiet time with a good book, or gather with your community in the branch’s meeting room!

For more information:
Address: 199 Glen Park
Contact: 613-580-2940
Website: biblioottawalibrary.ca/en/branch/blackburn-hamlet

Local Schools

Map of schools and Parks in Blackburn Hamlet

Glen Ogilvie Elementary School
Good Shepherd Catholic School
l’École Sainte-Marie
Emily Carr Middle School
l’École Secondaire Louis-Riel
Norman Johnston Secondary Alternate Programme
Colonel By Secondary School
Gloucester High School
Canterbury High School
St. Matthew Catholic High School
Lester B. Pearson Catholic High School

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