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Fun Fair ’78

Published in The BANAR June 1978


When I volunteered to chair Fun Fair ’78 I said I would do it if FUN would be the priority and I am very pleased to report that having fun didn’t hurt the financial end of it as we cleared in the vicinity of $8,000. A financial statement will be published in the September Banar.

This year the Fun Fair activities were divided into 30 shares with 10 shares going to the Blackburn Community Association and a share to the recognized Blackburn groups (Brownies, Cubs, Baseball, Ringette, etc.) who volunteered to take the responsibility of an activity (bake table, tea room, clean-up, rides, etc.) The key words for a group to earn a share are take on the responsibility of a designated activity (pre-organize, set up, man during day and clean up). I would recommend this procedure for another year as it makes the load of the fair committee so much lighter and it enables the young people to get involved. They did a tremendous job this year.

Condie Motor Sports and Keenan & Sharp Outdoor Products donated the tractors, wagons and drivers for the day. They made a lot of children very happy.

First I want to thank everyone (people and businesses) who attended and supported the Fun Fair. Without you all our efforts would have been in vain.

Secondly, all the people who helped at the booths, made crafts, baking, candy, etc. The General Store would have been terribly bare without your help.

Thirdly, the many people who manned the outside activities, participated in the parade, sports activities, bedraces, etc. A special thanks to those Ringette girls and George Gillespie. They had the grounds spotless by 7:30 p.m. Saturday night. You wouldn’t have known there had been a fair held there that day.

Conyenors, you were fantastic! Everyone took their responsibility seriously and did a great job.

There are a few people I would like to mention as they are the ones who made me look good and without whom I couldn’t have chaired the fair and stayed sane — John Dawson, who co-ordinated a great parade; Ian Cooper, who co-ordinated the games; Diane Watson, who did such a tremendous job with the General Store, fish pond and cake walk; the GCS group, Evelyn & Larry Grover, Joanne & Dick Cottingham, Lorrie & Jack Saville, and Kemper Realty for the music in the Bavarian Garden; Gordon Blinn, treasurer; Rena Kay, secretary and Harry King, cochairman.

Last but not least I would like to thank my family “The Homesteaders”. Thank you one and all for making a dream come true.

Lois Kemp

FunFair 1978

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