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Published in The BANAR July 1993

Another year, another Fun Fair and yes, another good time for Blackburn Hamlet!! If success can be judged by the number of smiling faces then this year’s Fun Fair was a smashing hit. If the spirit of a community can be judged by the number of enthusiastic participants then without doubt . . . BLACKBURN HAS HEART!!! From the moment the parade began on Friday evening until the last of the dancers left the gym on Saturday night it was obvious that a good time was had by all.

As always there are many individuals and community groups to thank. The committee of Fun Fair directors was fabulous. We worked well together and . . . we kept each of our meetings to under two hours in length!!! Our efforts would have been for nothing however if not for all the wonderful assistance from so many. Some of the groups that seemed to have a larger role than the norm include the Scouts, the BMHA, Men’s Softball, the Tennis Club and Jan’s Workout. We cannot thank you enough. Nor can we thank Kevin Johnston and the LOEB staff adequately. For all of those groups who put in the many three hour shifts . . . its all those small pieces that help make the big picture. Both of us have had a good time coordinating the last two Fun Fairs. We have made many new friends and shared many laughs. Thank you to everyone who got involved and helped us out.

In closing we would like to congratulate the prize winners of the various contests held in conjunction with Fun Fair and strongly urge everyone in Blackburn to support our sponsors.

Penny Harfield
Lorna Palmer

FunFair 1993

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