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BCA Annual General Meeting

Blackburn Community Hall 190 Glen Park Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The BCA AGM will be held in-person at the Community Hall (190 Glen Park Drive) on Thursday, March 20, 2025. Doors open at 7pm for refreshments and voter registration.  Meeting starts at 7:30pm.  Participation is open to all residents of Blackburn Hamlet, however, only residents who have renewed their BCA membership at least seven (7)

Community Garage Sale

Blackburn Hamlet Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Were you inspired to declutter your home this winter, but have yet to have a chance to get rid of everything due to all the snow? Now is your chance to pass these items along, hoping they may ‘spark joy’ in someone else, and make some extra cash in the meantime! Or maybe you’ve been

sARTurday morning Art Session

Blackburn Community Hall 190 Glen Park Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Looking for something to do during the cold winter months? Why not try your hand at painting? We are pleased to announce that Heather Vos, who ran art sessions at the Blackburn Hamlet Community Church prior to the pandemic, will be back in the Hamlet to lead two art sessions over the next few months.

FunFair 2025

Blackburn Community Hall 190 Glen Park Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The annual Blackburn FunFair celebrates community spirit in the first weekend of June. The fair features a carnival style midway, music, local vendors, a used book fair, beer garden and fireworks! For more information visit the FunFair website at

Cancer Chase 2025

Blackburn Community Hall 190 Glen Park Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Annual Blackburn Hamlet 5K Walk/Run Cancer Chase event, supported by the Blackburn Community Association and countless community volunteers and sponsors, will be held on September 6, 2025 at the Community Hall, 190 Glen Park Drive. ALL funds raised go to the Ottawa Hospital Foundation for Cancer Research.   More details, including the route map and the

Santa’s Pancake Breakfast 2025

Blackburn Community Hall 190 Glen Park Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The BCA is looking forward to welcoming families of Blackburn Hamlet back to our annual Pancake Breakfast! Starting at 8:30am at Blackburn Community Hall, we will have a feast of pancakes, sausages, coffee and more! All hot and ready to serve up – FREE for the whole family with valid BCA membership! Participants are required