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Environmental Fair 2002 on April 6th

Published in The BANAR April 2002
by Barbara Sweazey

A morning of “green learning” is scheduled for the first Saturday in April. A highly competent panel of speakers has graciously agreed to share their knowledge, concerns and suggestions on a variety of environmental issues with Blackburn residents.

Three main topics will be covered during the course of the morning including: the risks of and alternatives to pesticides, climate change and how car idling contributes to the problem and finally the safety of our drinking water. A time for questions will follow each segment.

Please join us at the Community Hall (200 Glenpark Drive) on Saturday, April 6 from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. This is a free information session and all are welcome!

Battling the Bugs — Safely! 9:00 to10:30 a.m.

  • Dangers of Pesticide Use: Canadian Organic Food Growers
  • Alternative Lawn Care Options: Apple Seed Organic Lawn Care
  • Pesticide Reduction Strategy: City of Ottawa

Exhausting the Climate 10:30 to11:30 a.m.

  • Climate Change: Pollution Prevention
  • Car Idling Health & Environmental Hazards: City of Ottawa

What Water DO We Drink? 11:30 to 12:30 p.m.

  • Selecting a Safe Drinking Water Option : Pembina Institute
  • Drinking Water Quality & Treatment: City of Ottawa

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