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Blackburn Hamlet Garage Sale

After a two year hiatus, the Blackburn Hamlet Community Garage Sale is back! The sale will be held on Saturday, May 7th from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm (subject to public health guidance on major events at the time of the sale). The entire community is invited…rain or shine!

The Blackburn Hamlet Garage Sale is a very popular BCA organized community event which was suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021. I am sure that many are looking forward to decluttering their homes after collecting much “stuff” over the last two years!

A community garage sale allows homeowners in the Hamlet to be primary vendors selling their items from their front lawns, driveways and porches. Collectively they make one giant sale (and awesome recycling event) attracting many people to the neighbourhood.

Hamlet residents do not need to register or sign up – simply put out a table and join in! However, in past years Lino Demasi has been kind enough to put together an unofficial map of participating houses. If you would like your house to be included, please let him know at

This year we would like to make special efforts towards environmental stewardship and the responsible, proactive disposal of left-over items. We hope to provide a drop off point to donate to local organizations or charities for reuse or recycling. Please keep visiting the BCA website Garage Sale Page for more up-to-date information as it becomes available. If you are interested in helping deliver donations, please contact us by email at

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