Blackburn Community Closet 2022 a success! Now for 2023!

The BCA’s Environment Committee held Blackburn’s first Community Closet event on Saturday October 15th, and wow was it ever a success! Over the course of the day we had hundreds of people attend and take home new-to-them clothing. Clothing that was left over (there wasn’t much!) was donated to Dress for Success, Clothespin, and Emily Murphy.

A very special thanks to all those who donated clothing and to all the volunteers who helped wash clothing, set up the hall the night before the event, lent clothing racks/hangers/mannequin for the event, helped during the event (folding clothing, helping people find clothing etc.) and who helped with the tear down. Thank you to Pineview Community Association for lending us two clothing racks for the event.

Another very special thank you to the organizers Jenny, Robyn, Angie and Sarah as well as our phenomenal volunteers: Sonia, Chantal, Auramarina, Aaron, Maksim, Irina, Benjamin, Irene, Linda, Corey, Brody, Kevin, Devon, Bob, Scott, Ericha and Rebecca! The event could not have been as great of a success without your help. Thank you!!!!

The biggest takeaway from the event was that we want to do it again! and soon! Save the date for Saturday April 15! We will start accepting donations of gently used clothing (no undergarments, shoes or accessories) on February 1. Stay tuned to the BCA website and Facebook page to find out more. If you are interested in helping, let us know by emailing

Community Closet 2022

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