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Volunteer Awards 2018

2018 Volunteer Awards

Published in The BANAR February 2019. The BCA hosted a Volunteer Appreciation Dinner for an amazing group of volunteers on Saturday January 12th. The dinner was organized to thank the volunteers in the Hamlet that took time out of their busy lives. There are always

BCA Board 2018

Volunteering for the BCA

Published in The BANAR February, 2018 by Evelyn Budd I am always impressed when someone new at a meeting steps up and volunteers. This is what I have learned about Lynn Lefevre, our new BCA board secretary. Lynn is proud to be able to call

Volunteer Awards 2017

2017 Volunteer Awards

Published in The BANAR November 2017. It’s always a great honour to present awards to people in our community who go above and beyond to make Blackburn Hamlet a better place to live for everyone. The winners of the 2016-2017 Volunteer Appreciation Awards, presented at

BCA Logo

What does the BCA do?

Published in The BANAR, February 2017 by Laura Dudas “So what exactly does the community association do?” It’s a question I’ve heard before from some Hamlet residents. It’s a valid question and I would be happy to shed some light. If you’ve attended a community