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If You’ve Got It… Flaunt It!!!

Published in The BANAR April 2000

Gardeners of Blackburn, don’t be shy…we want to show the world your gardens at the Third Annual Blackburn Hamlet Garden Tour on June 25th, 2000.

This fun event raises funds for community landscaping projects, awareness of our beloved hamlet and spreads the joy of gardening.

Past participants have all agreed that they experience an incredible “high” after an afternoon of showing off their gardens to the appreciative and enthusiastic audience that the tour attracts.

Those who have toured have praised our tour to the point of saying it is the best in the region.

As in past years the money raised will be used to beautify our community. The proceeds from last year’s tour will be used this spring to plant shrubs and flowers around the recently installed signs to the hamlet on Bearbrook and Innes (west entrance).

And if you need another reason to join the Garden Tour let me tell you about our get togethers to organize the event, preview the gardens and make recommendations for future tours. It seems people who like to garden are all super nice and love to eat because our meetings (3 in all) are all social and culinary adventures of the potluck variety that make participating in this event sheer pleasure .

One of the highlights of the tour for those showing their gardens is the Friday night preview. Since we can’t tour the day of the show we get together and car pool around to see each other’s gardens on the Friday evening previous to the tour then meet at one house for one of our potluck socials. You are guaranteed to meet some wonderful kindred gardening spirits and get some great new recipes in the process.

So, all of you out there who, like us, are eagerly looking forward to nurturing your “havens of green” please think about sharing your pleasure this year by joining the tour. Please remember it is not a competition and all gardens of any variety are welcome.

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