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Blackburn Garden Tour continues to impress

Published in The BANAR September 2003

The eleven very distinctive gardens and the delightful refreshments at Amica at Bearbrook Court continue to make the “garden tours not to miss” list. The exciting variety of gardens featured cooling water ponds, unique patios and decks, lush perennials, butterfly and bird habitats, mature hosta gardens and an amazing array of garden art and design.

It would not be possible without our gardeners, organizers and generous sponsors who combined their wealth of knowledge, talents, energy and love of gardening to make sure the tour on June 25th was an enjoyable experience for all. Thank you to our gardeners: Kathy and Doug Cushman, Edna Lemyre, Sara and Barry Ziegler, Azul and George Harper, Cynthia and John Hoisak, Louise Tourney, Marilyn and Marc Levesque, Janise and Don Johnson, Lois and Eldon Kemp, Sylvia and Ron Smith and Evelyn and Don Budd.

Special thanks also go to the Rainer Bloess, Ottawa councillor, Urban Dwellings Consignment Store and Budd Gardens for raffle prizes, Aimica at Bearbrook Court for the refreshments and Budd Gardens and Budd Graphics for volunteering to be major sponsors

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