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Shout-out to Evelyn Budd!

Published in The BANAR June 2021
By Laura Dudas

Evelyn BuddEvelyn Budd has spent a lifetime giving back to the community. She has volunteered in many capacities, but her most high-profile role has been as the publisher, editor, writer and photographer for the Blackburn Area News & Reports (BANAR).

Evelyn has been capturing the story of our community for the BANAR since May of 1997. In November 2020, she announced she was retiring from the role after overseeing the publication of more than 100 editions during her tenure.

Her in-depth knowledge of the community’s history, as well as her involvement with the Blackburn Community Association, will be appreciated by residents for years to come.

I had the honour of delivering a plaque signed by myself as City Councillor and Mayor Jim Watson to her earlier this year, and she was officially recognized during a recent community association meeting.

I want to take this opportunity to thank Evelyn for everything she does for the community.

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