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Blackburn Seniors Breakfast Get-together

Seniors are invited to join us on Wednesday, December 4 at 9:00 AM at Halibut House, 2672 Innes Road, for a great breakfast, lively conversation and lots of holiday laughs.

Donations for the Lifecentre Foodbank would be appreciated.

Ample parking is available. Guests are welcome.

To help our friends at the restaurant prepare, please RSVP to Shirley at 613-841-7691 by Monday, December 2 2024.

Hope to see you there!

Note: There will be no seniors breakfast on January 1, but we will see you again on February 5.

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Blackburn Seniors Breakfast Get-together

When: Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 9:00 AM

Where: Broadway Bar and Grill, 1615 Orleans Blvd.

Blackburn Seniors (55+) are invited to gather for a great meal, wonderful conversation and lots of laughs.

Ample parking is available. Guests are welcome.

For questions or to RSVP, please email by Friday, April 26, 2024.

Hope to see you there.

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