The Community Safety team works hard to maintain and improve Safety in Blackburn Hamlet, including managing the Neighbourhood Watch and Emergency Preparedness Plan.

  • Safety in Blackburn Hamlet
    Excerpt from The BANAR June 2024 Don Kelly, BCA Safety Help deter bike theft! With the arrival of spring, many of us have moved our bikes out of the shed with anticipation of joyful rides along the many bike paths and trails offered to us in Ottawa. Unfortunately, this is also the time when thieves
  • First Aid Course – Date Change!
    NOTE: The next First Aid course is now scheduled for JUNE 15! The BCA, in association with PSMK First Aid Training Inc., is planning a series of First Aid courses to be held in the Hamlet throughout the year. The first BCA course was held on April 8 at the Aspira Retirement Residence, where 16 participants successfully completed the
  • Emergency Preparedness
    On February 26, 2024, the BCA Hall was full with folks discussing EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS planning. This has been ongoing since the recent citywide power outages in 2022-23, which left some homes in Blackburn without power for 12 days (thankfully not in dead of winter, but this could happen). While more work is being done by
    Published in the BANAR February 2024 Brad Hampson & Don Kelly On March 7, starting at 7pm, at the Community Hall, the BCA will be conducting a Neighborhood Watch (NW) seminar. The event will be a joint collaboration between the Ottawa Police (OPS) and the BCA. The aim of the event is to inform residents
    Published in The BANAR, August 2023 Don Kelly, BCA Safety In June, Brad Hampson and Don Kelly (on behalf of the BCA) met with the City of Ottawa’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM) regarding the development of an emergency preparedness plan for Blackburn Hamlet. In consideration of recent weather events the OEM has recognized that
  • Safeguarding Your Home Presentation
    On the evening of June 8, 2023, the Ottawa Police Service gave a presentation to interested community members on the topic of Safeguarding Your Home.  For those who missed the event, we have posted the Presentation Slides and the Ontario Home Security Audit Guide.

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