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Welcome to the 2021 BCA Board of Directors

Published in The BANAR April 2022

The BCA held their AGM on March 25th 2021 and, like most events nowadays, the AGM was held virtually. With over 20 people in attendance, and only a few technical hiccups, the BCA was able to virtually welcome their new board of directors, including 10 returning board members and 5 new faces. The BCA is composed entirely of volunteers who dedicate their time to the Blackburn Hamlet community. The BCA board consists of an executive team and 11 directors. The roles and portfolios of the directors will be determined at the next BCA meeting.


President: Mark Lister. This will be Mark’s fourth year on the board, having served as the rinks director and association president. Mark and his family enjoy taking advantage of all the outdoor space and amenities Blackburn has to offer.

Vice President: Brent Lawrie. This will be Brent’s second year as the vice-president of the BCA. Brent moved to Blackburn Hamlet in 1997 and is proud to be a part of the community and raise his family here. Brent volunteered with the FunFair for over 10 years, in which he was the chairman for five years.

Secretary: Lynn Lefevre. Thanks to some strong encouragement by Evelyn Budd, Lynn joined the BCA at the 2018 AGM as secretary and has remained in the position since. As a resident of the Hamlet for over 25 years, she looks forward to continued involvement in an organization that supports such a fantastic community.

Treasurer: Lisa Margeson. Lisa has been working with BCA financials as the treasurer for three years. Now a retired accountant, Lisa has been a resident of Blackburn Hamlet for most of her life.


Barbara Whittaker, This is Barbara’s first year with the BCA. Welcome Barbara!

Daniel Gosson, Daniel has been volunteering with the BCA since 2019, helping moderate the BCA Facebook page, and this is his second year as a board member. Daniel has lived in Blackburn since 1986.

Devon Ellis. This will be Devon’s first year volunteering with the BCA. Our beautiful community has so much to offer residents and visitors. She’s looking forward to helping keep our area clean, healthy, fun, and thriving.

Don Kelly. Don is in his second year with the BCA. He is the director of Community Safety, coordinator for the Neighborhood Watch and chairman of the Cancer Chase Programs. Don has been a resident of Blackburn Hamlet for over 30 years and retired here after 30 years of military service.

Jessica Faure. This is Jessica’s first year on the BCA. Welcome Jessica!

Kiel Dixon-Lawlor. This will be Kiel’s third year on the BCA. Kiel and his family have loved living in Blackburn, enjoying the small, tight-knit community nestled inside the Greenbelt.

Maureen Forsythe. This is Maureen’s first year with the BCA. She moved back to Blackburn Hamlet a couple of years ago and looks forward to becoming more involved with the community through the BCA.

Miriam Hampson. As a long time resident of Blackburn Hamlet and teacher at Glen Ogilvie School, Miriam is excited to volunteer with the BCA particularly in the area of gardening and treeing the many beautiful areas of the neighborhood.

Nina Ryan. This will be Nina’s second year with the BCA, after originally joining the FunFair committee as their director of communications. Nina is thrilled to be able to immerse herself in the community where she was born and raised, and derives great joy from promoting events and connecting with her community.

Satinder Sahota. Satinder has been on the BCA for 6 years. She grew up in Blackburn and always knew about the BCA, and when she moved back to the Hamlet she knew she wanted to be involved in the community.

Patrick Phillips. This is Patrick’s second year on the BCA, he helps moderate the BCA Facebook page and has an interest in environment-themed initiatives. Patrick is currently working towards his PhD at the University of Ottawa.

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