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Santa’s Pancake Breakfast

Published in The BANAR November 2024

Date: December 7, 2024

Time: 3 sittings to choose from!

Place: Blackburn Community Hall (190 Glen Park Dr.)


The BCA invites you to the annual Santa’s Pancake Breakfast at the Community Hall! This year, we’ll also be joined by a local choir singing our favorite Christmas carols, both in English & French.

The event is FREE to current BCA members and their family. The fee for non-BCA members is $10. This $10 gets you a 2025 BCA membership and allows your entire family to feast on a fantastic breakfast of buttermilk pancakes, succulent sausages, fruit, and a variety of beverages.

Last year, over 300 people attended our event. In some cases, people had to wait outside in the wet, cold weather – something we do want to occur again. Furthermore, in accordance with the City of Ottawa Fire Regulations, we are restricted to 100 people at any one time in the building. As a result of these factors, this year there will be three “sittings” for breakfast: one at 8:30 am, again at 9:45 and the final sitting at 11:00.

Participants are required to register for their sitting prior to the event. You can register by emailing your name and number of seats required to Your cooperation with this change is greatly appreciated!

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