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Fun Fair 2011 — great day for all

Published in The BANAR September 2011
by Trisha Cloutier, Chairperson

Great times and great entertainment were enjoyed by all who attended this year’s Fun Fair. It was an excellent way for our community to start the summer off. Once again Blackburn residents demonstrated an abundance of community spirit. Because of the nice weather there was a successful turn out throughout the weekend. Everyone who helped plan and organize this year’s Fun Fair were extremely pleased with how smoothly everything came together.

The food drive during the parade, also done last year, was once again a success and a symbol of how our community comes together to help one another. The Saint Joseph Store House in Blackburn has seen the generosity from our community grow each year.

The community games and tug-of-war competitions were especially popular. Everyone loved to see the tug-of-war matchup between the police and fire departments. This aspect of the Fun Fair could become one of the main attractions of the fair. Great fun was had by all who participated as well as those that watched.

The live entertainment on Saturday was incredible; it is absolutely amazing the abundance of talented people in Blackburn. We will need to find a way to showcase more local talent next year as there was definitely no shortage of people to fill the stage for the day. As the day turned to evening it was wonderful to see hundreds of people come out to watch the beautiful fireworks display.

Every year more and more volunteers come to help us with the Fun Fair. This year our teenage population got involved. Our Pet Pride event was taken on and organized by a local teen and she did an incredible job. The teens that came out to volunteer will be the next generation that will contribute to our community events and it is incredible to work alongside these future community leaders.

It is especially rewarding and extremely fun to plan a signature event for Blackburn and work with such talented volunteers. There would not be a Fun Fair without the teamwork, support, and effort that these people put in. I am very thankful for all of their help.

Thanks also to the local businesses and organizations that sponsored this year’s Fun Fair, as well as those who made personal contributions. Blackburn is a wonderful place to live—the people and businesses in our community are generous and supportive.

We are already looking forward to getting started on next year’s Fun Fair weekend, and my hope is that it keeps getting better and better every year!

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