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2018 FunFair Honorarium Recipients

Published in The BANAR February 2019 by Brent Lawrie, Blackburn FUNFAIR Chair Thanks to everyone for last years excellent FUNFAIR 2018, and because of the great participation and sponsorship support, we raised $13 416, which has been put directly back into our Blackburn community. Fantastic! Please see the Honorariums distribution listed below. Don’t forget this years FUNFAIR is May 31st to June 2nd, 2019. Planning has already started and we are once again looking towards another great year. Every year, we have a great team of volunteers, to help organize the FUNFAIR and we always need more. Please consider giving some of your time to help us keep this annual tradition a great success, you won’t regret it. Sincerely Brent Lawrie.
202nd Blackburn Hamlet Sparks $208.33 23rd Pathfinders $250.00 51 CASM Air Cadet Sqn $250.00 Association Parent Enseignant de l’école St-Marie $500.00 Bantam B1 Blackburn Stingers $208.33 Blackburn Ladies Softball Association $1,000.00 Blackburn Stingers Atom A Team $125.00 Ottawa Public Library Children’s Book Program) $250.00 Ottawa Public Library (Robots) $750.00 Club Optimiste de Blackburn Hamlet $2,000.00 Earth Path $166.65 Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre $500.00 Emily Carr Middle School Council $166.65 Emily Murphy Non Profit Housing Corporation $250.00 GCCH PeeWee $208.33 GCCH PeeWee $208.32 Glen Ogilvie School Council $750.00 Good Shepherd Church $250.00 Good Shepherd School (Resource Centre) $500.00 Good Shepherd School Council $250.00 Groupe Louveteaux de la 62e Phare Est $250.00 Knights of Columbus, Good Shepherd Council $1,250.00 Ladies Grads BAA $500.00 Life Center Food Bank $875.00 Scouts Canada-1st Blackburn Scout Group $250.00 The Dapo Agoro Foundation for Peace 750.00 Norman Johnston Secondary Alternate Program Food Cupboard Program $750.00 Total Invested in Blackburn Community $13,416.61

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