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Spring Community Closet a success!

Sarah Morgan-White
BCA Environment Director

We held our second Community Closet on April 15. It was again an overwhelming success. We had over 350 attendees at the community closet, and so many volunteers! This event would not have been possible without the help of Jenny, Angie and Robyn who were instrumental in organizing the event, washing the clothing as well as coordinating and rallying volunteers! A very special thanks to them! Of course, a huge thanks to all our volunteers who helped in various capacities on Friday and Saturday! Either loading and bringing the clothing to the hall on Friday night; setting up or packing away the tables; picking up lunch; blowing balloons for kids; helping Friday night to unpack and lay out the clothing; helping shoppers on Saturday find their special “new to them” clothing, continuously folding the clothing through the day on Saturday, and packing up the left-over clothing and delivering it to Dress for Success and Salvation Army at the end of the day. A very special thanks to Sonia, whose skill and stamina, as well as connection with Dress for Success, have helped in our continuing success! Finally a special thanks to (in no particular order): Rita, Amelia, Linda, Brody, Valerie, Maggie, Auramarina, Aaron, Irene, Rachel, Bob, Aline, Steve, Julie, Greg, Emma, Alexandre, Theodore, Kevin, Nina, Noel, Kathy, Marie, Katharina, Kendra, Ben, Leslie, Brian and Liz. Thank you to those who lent us clothing racks for our event: Sonia, Madeleine, and the Pineview Community Association. Thank you to Valerie for donating a clothing rack to our event. Finally, thank you to all of you who donated clothing, this event would not have been possible without you! We look forward to holding this event again next spring!

Community Closet 2023

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