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Another successful Community Closet

Published in The BANAR November 2024

On October 19, about 170 kids and adults dropped into the Blackburn Community Hall for our Kids & Costumes Community Closet pop-up event!

There were hundreds of items of clothes, from the tiniest baby onesies to costumes and outerwear for teenagers – all kindly donated by members of our community. Doors opened to BCA members at 10 am, and then to the general public at 11 am, and by mid afternoon, dozens of bags had been filled and most of the items had been collected to be given a second life.

Events like these are a great way to bring the community together, support sustainable practices and get some new clothes for the family, but they take a lot of planning and hard work! Our thanks go to the organizers and volunteers who accepted donations, sorted and folded clothes, transported them to the hall, set up and took down tables, helped shoppers find what they were looking for, playing with the kids, and so much more. This event would not have been possible without each of you! And special thanks to all who donated and dropped off items of clothing to our volunteers.

Fall Community Closet Volunteers

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