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Blackburn garden tour offers something for everyone

Published in The BANAR June 2002

Sunday, June 23rd, rain or shine, the 5th Blackburn Hamlet Garden Tour is set to go. Ten enthusiastic gardeners here in Blackburn have v o l u n t e e red to open their gardens for viewing, answer questions, trade gardening secrets and meet fellow garden lovers from 12:00 noon until 4:00 p.m. The money earned from the tour will continue to be used for various landscaping projects in Blackburn. Funds from past tours have been directed to the gardens around each of the three entrance signs as well as to the landscaping at the Community Hall.

The tour guide pamphlets which go on sale June 1st at the Blackburn Fun Fair plant table and at Budd Gardens Perennials are $10.00 each. They are your ticket and will gain you entry at each garden in the tour as well refreshments at Amica and entry into a draw for some great prizes.

The Amica at Bearbrook Court graciously invites you to a refreshing cup of tea or glass of lemonade between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.  A draw for prizes from local businesses will be held at 5:00 pm and will be posted on the website shortly after.

We wish to thank the following businesses for their generous support. Budd Gardens (“No Tax” discount coupon for all participants), Amica at B e a r b rook Court, Ritchies Garden Centre and the Urban Renewal Consignment Etc. store.

Watch for an exciting variety of gardens featuring cooling water ponds, unique patios and decks, lush perennials, mature hosta gardens, beautiful garden artwork, indoor garden and container gardening.

Visitors come from as far away as Toronto, Cornwall and Montreal, so buy your tickets early as only 200 tickets will be sold. Then come to have some fun, learn more about gardening, meet some neighbours and support a good cause.

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