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Youth Association Blackburn Youth Plan for a Busy Summer

Published in The BANAR April 2002

Youth Dances

The youth dances continue to be a great success! Although the dances at the Cyrville Community Centre were cancelled because of poor attendance, the Blackburn dances have increased to four Fridays per month. The third Friday of each month is for the older youth, ages 13 to 17. The other dances are for ages 10 to 17. Admittance is still five dollars and canteen items are one dollar. Until summer arrives the dances are expected to be sold out. With the expansion onto the patio in the summer, an increase in the number of participants will be allowed. Four additional dances across the city in 2002 will be sponsored by the BHYA to provide similar programs in other areas. This will help reduce the attendance at our dances of youth from outside the area.

Movie Days
A series of movie days started in Febru a r y. On May 18th, f rom 1 to 4 p.m., there will be a Disney afternoon double bill. From 7 to 11p.m., a comedy and an action film, yet to be determined will be shown. Cost is two dollars per participant for one or both films and the canteen will be open. An adult must accompany children under 6.
5 km Walk-a-thon On May 11th a 5 km Walk-a-thon is being planned to help raise money for a new gazebo/bandshell for the Community Hall area. Pledge sheets are available at the B H YA dances and adults are welcome to participate. The walk will start at 10 a.m. from the Community Hall and finish back at the Hall before noon. A presentation of the funds raised will be made at the May 16th BCA meeting.

Garage sale/flea market

On May 11th and 12th, the BHYA has booked the Community Hall for a giant garage sale/flea market. Tables will be available for rent to other vendors for $10 and may be left set-up overnight. The BHYA will be operating the canteen and their own table. Any left over items from the previous weeks BCA community yard sale would be welcomed at the BHYA table. Items can be dropped off on Friday the 10th during the BHYA dance or first thing Saturday morning. Unsold items will be given to the Salvation Army the following Monday.

FunFair 2002

The group will certainly be busy June 1st. Fun Fair 2002 will see the first BHYA Youth Dance in the arena from 7 to 11p.m. During the day the BHYA will host a Chess Demonstration and in the afternoon an Open Chess Tournament for all age groups. Registration for the tournament is from 12 to 1 p.m. with participants being guaranteed 4 games. Cost will be two dollars per participant. Trophies will be presented to the winners and ribbons for 2nd and 3rd place finishers in each group . The BHYA will also be operating a new ice cream cone booth at the Fun Fair and will hopefully become a regular part of the event. The association has volunteered to be responsible for the barbecues and food concessions from 11 a.m. through to closing. Adults are especially needed to help co-ordinate and operate these facilities with members of the Blackburn Hamlet Youth Association.

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