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Six Volunteer Recognition Awards for Blackburn

Published in The BANAR June 2000

Sean Morris (Youth Award)

At seventeen, Sean has already been an active volunteer in Gloucester for more than eight years. He is not only a hard worker, but he has managed to convince his friends to join him in contributing their time and energies to our community often well into the night and the early morning.

Sean has never hesitated to set up and take down electronic equipment, move furniture, drag garbage, do inventories, organize community events and children’s entertainment, and help with administration.

Thank you Sean for your tireless work at Gloucester’s 150th Anniversary celebrations, the Blackburn Fun Fair, Blackburn baseball, Octoberfest, local Millennium celebrations, fund raising for the Gloucester Emergency Food Cupboard, and too many other things to mention.

Janet Erdeg

Janet was the volunteer Vice-President of the Gloucester-Cumberland Basketball Association for two years. She ran the administrative and tournament operations and represented the Association at provincial meetings and rankings meetings and was the Convenor for Eastern Ontario Basketball Association for Midget Boys.

For years, she was the Publicity Director for the Blackburn Pre-School, managed House League and “B” Rep teams in the Blackburn Minor Hockey Association and was also on the Fun Fair Board of Directors looking after the Midway.

On top of all her accomplishments, at the 1998-99 Volunteer Awards hosted by the Ontario Basketball Association, she won for Recognizing Volunteer Efforts and Benefits to Children and the Community.

Raymond du Plessis

Raymond du Plessis was one of the first to settle in the new development of Blackburn Hamlet, and he immediately went to work to build this new community into what is often today referred to as the jewel of Gloucester. His name is generally associated with the establishment of the Good Shepherd Parish Church and the Blackburn Badminton Club, but his community activities and influence extend beyond these two major efforts.

In 1968 & 1969, Ray led a group of 100 Catholic families urging church authorities to establish regular Sunday services in Blackburn Hamlet.

From 1986- 1991, Ray was President of the Blackburn Tennis Club and from 1987 to the present, Ray has been the Coordinator of the Blackburn Badminton Club. In 1994 he was added to the Ontario Badminton Association Honour Roll for “outstanding contribution to the development of Badminton in Ontario.

In 1997, Ray was awarded a plaque for “dedication and hard work” as president of the Canadian Psoriasis Foundation (1990- 1997).

Firma French

Like most of the volunteers, Firma loves to see those she helps prosper and flourish. Firma was President of the Blackburn Chorus for 4 years, and a member for 10 years. She bas served as Chair of Bereaved Families of Ottawa for three years and on the Board of Directors for Kiwanian.

Firma has participated in countless  fundraising campaigns for seniors. On top of that, Firma, volunteered for the Special Olympics held in Ottawa this past winter.

Probably one of her most entertaining contributions was when she established her own singing group called Firma & Friends a few years ago. This group sings at local seniors’ residences and encourages audience participation. To round out her volunteer work, Firma was also active with Girl Guides.

Erin Koebel

Erin began volunteering at the Good Shepherd Catholic School with children with physical and developmental disabilities.

In 1994, Erin became a member of the Gloucester Association for Children with Special Needs. A year later, Erin became the Associations sole recreation program coordinator. From 1995 to 1998 Erin was a Spark Leader supervising a group of five and six year old girls.

Erin’s most recent volunteer work also involves work with children. She has become involved with the Starlight Children’s Foundation which grants wishes to terminally ill children.

Neil Papineau

Neil is a well known resident of Blackburn Hamlet who has been involved in volunteer organizations over so many years that he is instantly recognized by everyone.

Blackburn Hamlet and The Blackburn Community Association owe Neil a great deal of gratitude for over eight years of service in almost every position in the Association, including President.

As Chairman of the Octoberfest Committee, the Funfair Committee, and his work to help maintain the Greenbelt, Neil has contributed time and talents to making Gloucester a caring, active and environmentally friendly place to live.

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