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Blackburn Volunteers recognized by City

Published in The BANAR June 1999

Volunteers are concerned citizens who put their values and beliefs into actions — sometimes quietly, sometimes boldly. Collectively, they are a driving force for positive change and for an improvement in the quality of life in our community.

On Monday, May 24th the City of Gloucester presented the Gloucester Volunteer Appreciation Award to Lee Coutu, Jean Neufeld, Roger Pyper, Al Ross and Jane Ross.

Lee Coutu

Lee has been a volunteer in Blackburn Hamlet for over 10 years. Her volunteer commitment has centered around children, helping children in schools, in recreational activities and as a Block Parent in her community.

Lee has been involved on the parent executive committees at the elementary, middle school and high school levels in the Ottawa Carleton School Board. She served as Chairperson for three years each at Emily Carr Middle School and the Gloucester High School Council.

Lee is an active member of the Scouts movement as a Beaver Leader, a Cub leader and on the Blackburn Group Committee.

During her “spare time” Lee has co-chaired the Blackburn Hamlet Fun Fair for two years and also as a Director for several years. Lee is on the executive of the Newcomers Club as well.

In all, Lee Coutu is very deserving of this volunteer award, she has what it takes to make a positive difference in her community.

Jean Neufeld

Jean has had a long and illustrious career volunteering in Gloucester. Over the last thirty-three years, she has had a tremendous impact on a wide variety of organizations within our community.

Jean has helped many groups, most notably the Boy Scouts of Canada for an amazing 17 years. She has also assisted such groups as the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa-Carleton and the Blackburn Home and School Association. Jean has also served as a volunteer on the Gloucester Arts Council.

Organizations such as the Cancer Society, the Salvation Army, the Kidney Foundation, the Heart Fund and the Blackburn Community Association have benefited from her dedication as a fundraiser.

Jean has helped many families within our region by volunteering her time to the School Volunteer Program, services to shut-ins and to the volunteer family counselling services. Jean has also been a volunteer in the Blackburn Newcomers’ Club and at the Blackburn Court Seniors Residence.

Jean has helped to improve the quality of life for many Gloucester residents, and make our city a better place to live.

Roger M. Pyper

To adequately describe Roger’s many contributions to his community since he arrived in 1981 would require a biography.

Upon arrival, Roger quickly became involved in the Blackburn Community Association as a member, then Civic Affairs Chairman, and then in 1984, President. While still involved with the Blackburn Community Association, he also became a member of the Blackburn Recreation Centre Board where he acted as secretary. In 1990, he was instrumental in founding the Citizen Review Committee for Waste Management. Since 1996, Roger has been a member and secretary-treasurer of the Blackburn Recreation and Parks Board.

The City of Gloucester and Blackburn Hamlet are extremely privileged to have Roger Pyper as a resident of our city.

Alan and Jane Ross

Alan and Jane have been active volunteers in the community of Blackburn Hamlet for more than twenty years. They have worked as a team and individually on many project and aspects of life in the Hamlet. Both have a strong sense of community and have been an asset to Blackburn Hamlet.

Al has been involved with the Blackburn Minor Hockey Association as Convener and helped in designing the Blackburn Stingers crest. He has also been the Pee Wee
Convener, Head Convener and President (2 years) of the Gloucester Hockey Association. Presently Al is responsible for schedules, playing rules and administration. Al is also a very active member of the Blackburn Hamlet Community Association (BCA). He holds the position of Director, Civic Affairs. Fun Fair, Bavarian Fest or any activity which involves or impacts Blackburn, you will find Al Ross. His commitment and desire to “get the job done” makes him a valuable volunteer within our community.

Jane Ross has been involved in many volunteer roles over the past twenty years. She has been active in the Scouting Movement as a Beaver Leader and most involved within the Ringette “Arena” as a coach, player and involved with administration for the Blackburn Ladies League. Though some players won’t admit it openly, “she is one of the top skaters in the League.”

Jane has been involved with the Fun Fair in various capacities since its inception. Her most memorable participation has been running the Candy Table and handmading over 1500 blue and white chocolate “Smurfs” which were individually wrapped and tied with a bow! She has also been involved in different aspects of Fun Fair and the Bavarian Fest, wherever and whenever help is needed.

Jane has also canvassed for the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the Kidney Foundation.

Congratulations and best of luck in your role as grandparents, a job you can’t volunteer for!

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