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Blackburn Hamlet — a gold mine of volunteers

Published in The BANAR September 1998

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has” Margaret Mead

Whether on the frontline helping others, on a fundraising committee, or on the board of directors of a non-profit organization, volunteers play a vital role in our community. They provide key services, pioneer social change and enrich our quality of life.

Since 1980 the City of Gloucester has been taking recommendations from communities and community groups to honour volunteers that are a source of compassion, creativity and commitment. This year they were presented with Volunteer Recognition Awards and plaques at a special presentation at City Hall among friends and relatives.

Councillor Rainer Bloess mentioned (very proudly) that this year there were sixteen recipients from the City of Gloucester of which six where from Blackburn Hamlet. The award recipients from Blackburn Hamlet were Linda and Tom Canham, Dr. Reginald Chappel, Mike Lee, youth recipient Andrew Poulin and our BCA president Sue Sheridan.

Linda and Tom Canham

Linda and Tom CanhamBlackburn Hamlet has been the major beneficiary of the years that the Canhams have given to their community. In particular, the Blackburn Minor Hockey Association and Ladies Ringette have benefitted. Tom and Linda have both sat on the executive of the BMHA serving such positions as Ways and Means Director, Canteen Coordinator, Bingo Coordinator and President. They have both given the many hours needed to be involved at the team level as coaches, managers and tournament organizers. Linda has been the Manager of several ringette teams and has been the Coordinator of the Ladies Spring Ringette League.

Beyond hockey, the Canhams have spent their time helping with the Blackburn FunFair. For many years they helped run the ever popular and time consuming beer tent and acted as coordinators for the Dinner-Dance. More recently, Tom has put his efforts into canvassing for the Cancer Society.

Dr. Reginald Chappel

Dr. Reginald ChappelDoctor Chappel is a long time resident of Blackburn Hamlet who has quietly volunteered his time to the residents of Gloucester for more than twenty-nine years.

Dr. Chappel’s contributions to the Aviation Museum, to the Museum of Science and Technology, and to the Experimental Farm are well known. He has made children a prime focus of much of his volunteer work with the museums and the farm.

In his “spare time” Dr. Chappel involves himself in volunteer work with RCAF Wing 410 for veterans at the Perley Hospital, for Air Cadets, and for Ident-a-Kid. The other “thousand hours” of his time have been devoted to the Meals on Wheels program.

The residents of Gloucester are proud and fortunate to have such a positive dedicated, caring person residing and volunteering in our community.

Michael Lee

Michael LeeMichael Lee has given of his time to the Gloucester community for over ten years. He has been actively involved in several organizations, volunteering his time, energy and skills.

He began volunteering with Scouts Canada as a Beaver Leader. He then went on to become a Cub and Scout leader during his eight years with the Scout program.

Michael has also volunteered a great deal of time to being a coach. He coached the Gloucester Minor Lacrosse team in 1988, for two years. He is presently involved as a coach for the girls’ Gloucester Recreational Soccer team and Girls Indoor Soccer team. He is also an organizer of the Renegades Masters Lacrosse Team.

When Michael isn’t busy coaching, he helps with the Junior Achievement of Ottawa-Carleton School program as a trainer and the Blackburn Fun Fair as a finance director. He is actively involved in his parish of St. Mary the Virgin Church as a Treasurer.

Andrew Poulin

Andrew Poulin.Andrew is a 16 year old who has shown experience and responsibility beyond his years. He sits on the Blackburn Community Association as a teen member and has been involved in various Greenbelt issues, Fun Fair, and the Bavarian Fest. This past year, he organized and was responsible for the children’s activities which ran at the Bavarian Fest. He organized children’s bingo, face painting, crafts and refreshments for over 80 children.

Andrew is also successful at school, winning numerous awards and participating on Student Council and at Air Cadets where he is a seargent.

Susan Sheridan

Susan SheridanSusan has been involved in many volunteer activities over the years, all of which have contributed to making Gloucester one of the finest cities in Canada in which to live.

Susan’s involvement with the Blackburn Community Association are many and varied. She has served as Head of the Preserve the Greenbelt Committee; she has done work with the Blackburn Fun Fair and Bavarian Fest; and she is now President of the Blackburn Community Association.

Perhaps Sue’s most important contributions to our community are those which involve our children. They are so numerous that they can only be listed here; fundraising for many events and organizations, organizing outdoor rink events, pre-school board member, Girl Guides, Block Parents, minor soccer, and the Junior Naturalist’s Club.

Thank you Susan for volunteering so much of your time and talents to make Gloucester and Blackburn such a great place to live and to raise our children.

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