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Bike repair stand sees first of many events

Published in The BANAR September 2021
by Dave Garand

Bike Repair StationEarlier this summer, the BCA and the office of councillor Laura Dudas worked together to install a bicycle repair station at the corner of Innes and Bearbrook road in the Hamlet. These stations allow one to support the bicycle at a comfortable working position and are equipped with items such as allen keys, screw drivers, various sized keys, and a pump.

On July 31, volunteers spent their afternoon conducting safety checks on kid’s bikes at this repair station. Maps, bells and lights were provided courtesy of the Safer Roads Ottawa program. Another similar type of event is being planned for the start of the school year, so keep your eyes on the BCA Facebook page for details.

Please visit (follow sections Parking, Roads and Travel > Active Transportation) for more information including tips on a variety of cycling maintenance procedures and a list of the locations of all repair stands in Ottawa; there are several of these stands in Orléans.

For information on local cycling issues, including lobby efforts and a multitude of other east-end cycling related topics, visit the Eastern Ottawa Cycling Community Facebook page.

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