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Update on Blackburn Parks and Facilities

Published in The BANAR February 2000
by Paul Graham

Bearbrook Outdoor Pool

The Board Members would like to thank the Pool staff for providing a fun-filled and safe summer. The renovated pool took on a wonderful resort atmosphere especially during the hot spell in July. Parks Inspection The volunteers on the Board performed an inspection of all parks and have made recommendations to City Staff for repairs and replacement.

New Park Structures

Although a delay in ordering, resulted from extensive consultation, with interested community, members, Keystone Park is greatly improved with a new light (partial funding from Councillor Bloess), new play structure, the addition of swings, improved pathways and a new seniors area with horse shoe pits, bird feeders and benches. Other parks to have equipment installed include Bearbrook Park with the addition of larger swings and Red Maple with a new slide.

Blackburn Park Play Structure

(Beside the Blackburn Preschool) The concept of moving this structure is being considered. Potential locations include the west side of the Community Hall. Comments are welcome, please contact any of the board members or myself at 830-2868.

Blackburn Arena

Ice is available for public skating on Fridays and Saturdays from 7 to 8:20 pm. and on Saturday from 1 to 2:20 pm at the Blackburn Arena. Cost is $2.00 per person. Frequent user and season passes are available. The BCA is sponsoring family skate days on three Sundays — January 30th, February 27th and March 19th from 1 to 2:30 pm. Cost is only a looney and free on March 19th.

Outdoor Rinks

The Board members have selected City Operations Staff to make and clear the ice. Our two boarded rinks are supervised from 7 to 11 pm daily with additional weekend hours 11 am to 4 pm.

Hornets Nest Soccer Field

A clubhouse will be constructed this spring at the Hornet’s Nest soccer field. Cost is being shared by the Hornets and the City of Gloucester.

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