The objective of the BCA is to improve the quality of life in the Community by advancing the cultural, social, recreational, and safety activities that address the interests of its residents in cooperation with the City of Ottawa.  This is accomplished by our Executive, Board of Directors, Portfolio Chairs and Dedicated Volunteers who continuously help us deliver programs to the Blackburn Hamlet community.  Our activities are divided into the following areas:

Core activities

Membership, Finances, Secretary, President, Vice President, City and Community Liaison, Facilities and Operations.


The goal of the Beautification team is to make Blackburn Hamlet an attractive and welcoming community.

Community Hall

The BCA manages the scheduling of the Hall rentals and ensures that the hall and all amenities are properly maintained.


The communications team is responsible for promoting the Blackburn Community Association along with all events and activities organized by the Association. Also includes maintenance of the BCA Website, publication of the Monthly Electronic Newsletter and the publishing and distribution of The BANAR five times a year.


The Environment portfolio is responsible for enhancing the natural beauty of Blackburn Hamlet and maintaining the native plant species.

As part of the BCA Environment Group, the Climate team is focused on initiatives to help combat climate change.

The BCA Environment group, in conjunction with the Tree Team, is working hard to regenerate the tree canopy in Blackburn.


BCA Volunteers organize a wide variety of community events throughout the year including Bike Rodeo, Cancer Chase, Christmas Market, Community Closet, Community Garage Sale, FunFair, Hockey Day, Santa’s Breakfast, Spring Cleanup and many more!


The Parks portfolio is responsible for ensuring all community parks are safe and clean for all residents to enjoy.


The Rinks portfolio is responsible for ensuring the outdoor ice rinks are safe and regularly maintained.


This portfolio oversees all activities and events related to Community Safety. Includes oversight of the Hamlet Neighbourhood Watch program and management of the Emergency Preparedness Plan.


This portfolio oversees all activities and events related to Transportation.


The Seniors portfolio is responsible for overseeing all activities related to Seniors engagement.

Kids & Youth Engagement

The kids & youth portfolio supports different approaches to engaging youth in the community, such as giving youth a greater voice and providing opportunities for advocacy, leadership, organizing and service.

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