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Welcome to the new BCA Board Members

On March 24, 2022, the BCA held their Annual General Meeting. In addition to updates from the board on the 2021 accomplishments (you can read the minutes here), the election for the new Board of Directors was held.

We would like to welcome new board members Sarah Morgan-White, Laura Smith, Heather McCuaig Edge and Jenny Lawrence and look forward to working with you over the coming year.

Thank you to outgoing Directors Daniel Gosson, Patrick Phillips, Devon Ellis and Don Kelly for supporting our community initiatives during your time on the board.

We would also like to thank our returning board members Mark Lister, Brent Lawrie, Lisa Margeson, Miriam Hampson, Kiel Dixon-Lawlor, Nina Ryan, Barbara Whittaker, Satinder Sahota and Maureen Forsythe for their ongoing support of our great community.

If you are interested in supporting the BCA, you can always signup as a Volunteer or you can offer to assist in filling the vacant positions such as Safety, Transportation, Seniors Info Event and FunFair Chair.  You can contact Lynn Lefevre, BCA Secretary, for more details.


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