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Thank you All!

Now that the chaos in our community has subsided a little, I would like to thank everyone who has helped with the Community Charging Station on Sunday, the impromptu food drive yesterday and the emergency Food Bank last night.  I’m truly sorry if I missed anyone… the past few days have been a blur.

Kelseigh N who helped me setup, staff and tear down the community charging station on Sunday, delivered the Metro Gift Cards yesterday and so much more.

Sarah Morgan-White, BCA Director of Enviro, Co-Director of Seniors and Chair of the Tree Team, who helped me gain access to the Hall on Sunday and who organized the impromptu food drive yesterday.

Jenny Lawrence, BCA Director of Community Relations who helped with the food drive yesterday.

Maureen Forsythe, BCA Director of Youth and Co-Director of Seniors, who went above and beyond to purchase and deliver food to a resident in need.

Nina Ryan, BCA Director of Communications who helped ensure our constantly changing notifications were sent out on Facebook and Twitter

Brent Lawrie, BCA Vice-President and Co-Chair of FunFair who helped where he could even while he was dealing with emergencies at work.

Kiel Dixon-Lawlor, BCA Director of Parks, who helped with messaging, liaised with Councillor Dudas and more.

The rest of the BCA Board who encouraged my totally unplanned activities the past few days!

Chris, the Manager at Metro, who helped us setup the food drive and donated $300 in Metro gift cards.

Julie at the Lifecentre food bank who opened the doors last night to provide emergency food to 34 families.

John, who oversees the Lois Kemp Arena, who reminded me that there were working Power outlets on the outside of the hall that we could use until I had access to the hall.

Councillor Laura Dudas and her staff who encouraged and supported us during this crisis and who has been tireless in making sure the residents of the Hamlet and Innes Ward are OK.

The Blackburn Hamlet Community who stepped forward to help friends, neighbours and total strangers make it through the worst of the crisis.

Once again, I cannot say enough about how much I appreciate all the efforts, large and small, that people made to support each other the past through days.  THANK YOU ALL!

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