Community Centre Update December 1997

Published in The BANAR December 1997 by Al Ross, Civic Affairs In the previous BANAR, we reported that the Community Hall project was essentially at a standstill, since the tenders for the Arena Annex came in significantly over budget. This is still the case, but

Community Hall

Community Hall Update October 1997

Published in The BANAR October 1997 by Al Ross, Civic Affairs In June, the City hired a Construction Manager to oversee the construction, and co-ordinate the sub-trades for the construction of the Community Hall. Tenders were requested for the various parts of the construction, but

Blackburn Public School

The life of the Blackburn School

Published in The BANAR August 1997 by Lois Kemp In the 1850’s three families of Daggs settled in the area and it became known as Daggville. As more settlers arrived, a school known as Public School Section #21, was built on the farm of Richard

FunFair 1997

Blackburn Hamlet Funfair Day 1997

Published in The BANAR August 1997 “Building our community” by Sherry Woodburn and Chantal Goyette What a great day for a spectacular community tradition! The weather was fantastic, and everyone was in the mood for joining in the various events. The rain held out for

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