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Garden Tour a Blooming Success

Published in The BANAR November 1999

For the second year Blackburn Hamlet’s gardens drew oohs and aahhs from the 200 people that came from all over the region to tour them. Also, for the second year the organizers were able to hand over a cheque from the proceeds, $1,900.00 this time, to the Blackburn Community Association for landscaping projects in the Hamlet.

The garden tour has proven to be a win-win for all involved. Those who show their gardens enjoy meeting other gardening enthusiasts, those touring see wonderful flowers, plants and landscaping ideas and the community benefits from the monetary proceeds and the raised profile from the advertising and awareness the event creates.

A special treat for those who come to our tour is afternoon tea served by Mrs. Park (serving refreshments in photo) and Miss Barbara Wright at the Bearbrook Court Retirement Residence. The residence sponsors this event by providing a refreshing “cuppa” or cold drink and yummy sweets to all who buy a ticket for the tour. Remarks from the comment sheets left on the tables at the tea enthusiastically pinpoint it as a highlight of the tour.

And of course this fun and profitable event would not be possible without our volunteer organizers and generous sponsors. Gail Kajiura of Divine-Do’s Event Planning Par Excellence! and Evelyn Budd of Budd Graphics combined their talents, energy and love of gardening again to make sure the tour was an enjoyable experience for all.

Budd Gardens once again generously supported the tour by selling tickets, advertising, donating a free perennial for all who bought a ticket and providing a gift certificate for one of the three winners of the Garden Treasure Hunt Contest. J.A. Laporte Flowers & Nursery and Ritchie’s Garden Centre both donated $50.00. Blackburn Home Hardware also sold tickets and this year donated a gift for one of the contest winners. If you enjoyed the tour please thank our sponsors with your business whenever possible.

Our winners in the Treasure Hunt Draw were Barb Dohm, Eileen Charanduk and Kathy Davies. The draw was made from all the entries as the goal of the treasure hunt was strictly for fun.

Garden Tour 1999

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