Thank You Blackburn Residents

Published in The BANAR May, 1971
Lois Kemp

Fun Fair 1971On behalf of the Fun Fair Committee I wish to extend thanks to the many helpers, staff of both schools, Marcel Henri the auctioneer, Roy Cottee the magician, the many people that donated articles and a special thanks to the people that came and enjoyed the evening.

The Fair was a financial success ($1100 profit) but the part that was the biggest success was the attitude of the adults and children. Parents with coats over one arm, baking on the other and their children wanting to play games about 110° in the shade, etc., and yet they were still smiling. People that came to help for an hour and four hours later, feet sore, tired and a little warm saying we enjoyed it. Convenors and committees after planning and doing for two months are still figuring out ways they would improve it next time, the patience of the children waiting to play games, the number of workers (approximately 200) and last but not least, the number of adults and children that came.

If anyone has any ideas for another time please send them in. We know all the problems but it is the solutions we are looking for. $1,450 was brought in and after expenses, prizes, refreshments, magician and miscellaneous, there was a profit of $1,100.

Following is a list of those who donated the bingo prizes at the Fun Fair

  • Simpson-Sears Limited
  • Cyrville Cleaners
  • Hillier’s TV F. Radio Ltd.
  • Coiffure Diane
  • Four Star Restaurant
  • Boutique Canadienne
  • Blackburn Coiffure
  • Spic and Span Cleaners
  • Van Leeuwen Boomkamp Limited
  • A. Da Silva Upholstering & New Furniture
  • Ameublement Cyrville Co. Ltd. Furniture
  • Dumouchel Furniture
  • Lepage & Robillard Ltd.
  • Dino’s Pizza
  • Budd Gardens
  • Riopelle Fabrics
  • Boucherie Wistaff Meats
  • Burton’s Flowers
  • Orleans Meat Market
  • Eastview Flowers
  • Nancy-Ann Flower Basket
  • Orleans Coupons
  • Rénie Lajoie
  • Beachwood Upholstering
  • Kinneys Shoes
  • Blackburn Gulf

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