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Orignal BCA Logo

The original BCA Logo was sewn in fabric and was initially used by the Blackburn Hornets!

Blackburn Hornets Logo

Alan B. Beddoe wrote concerning the meaning of the elements in the logo design as follows: The black wavy diagonal stripe edged with white is a symbol for a stream of running water, the word “burn” being an Old Country term for a brook or stream. Naturally, this “burn” is black in colour, for Blackburn. The hornets or wasps (bees) as well as the black wavy stripe are derived from the Arms of Blackburn, Lancashire, England. The bees are an emblem of skill, perseverance and industriousness and may, in our badge, be regarded as an indication of the ambition of the members of the Blackburn Community Club to express these qualities not only as participants in sports but as spectator-supporters. Colours are red, white and black. The name “Hornets” seems appropriate for the senior team, while the junior or midget group might be called the Blackburn Wasps—a smaller but equally effective counterpart of the bigger “Hornets”.

Source: Alan B. Beddoe (1893–1975), Blackburn resident, Canadian artist, war artist, consultant in heraldry and founder and first president of the Heraldry Society of Canada in 1965. The Alan Beddoe collection at Library and Archives Canada contains designs and studies for the Book of Remembrance, postage stamps, posters, crests, money, architecture, and coats-of-arms.

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