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How a “Happy little Fun Fair’ grew

Published in The BANAR May 1996
By Lois Kemp

Twenty six years ago (no fair in ’87) a happy little Fun Fair was brought to life in Blackburn Hamlet. The date was April 23, 1971, and the place Glen Ogilvie School. The event was such a resounding success that plans went ahead for the 1972 Fun Fair.

In 1972 the Fun Fair had blossomed into a full day affair. Fun Fair day arrived, along with “Hurricane Hazel”. The wind howled, the rain pelted down, but nothing could dampen the spirits of the Blackburn Hamlet residents. About 90% of the Hamlet’s people came to the fair, all slightly soggy, but the true spirit of the community shone through. The objective to have fun as a community and to raise $5,000 to start Bearbrook Park was met.

In 1974 the auction and the Bavarian Garden were added to the day’s activities. The goal of $8,000 was set and met with all monies going to help finance Bearbrook pool and the tennis courts. Many a tale has been told of the husband proudly showing off the chair he purchased at the auction, only to find out that his wife donated it!

The Raggedy Ann and Andy Fun Fair in 1976 was welcomed in with the first grand parade complete with a visit from parachute jumpers.

The big move to Bearbrook Park was made in ’78. An ideal location because much of the park had been funded by the proceeds of past Fun Fairs. But now that the pool, tennis courts and play structures were built, it was felt the profits could now be shared with participating local groups.

The fair had grown past the point where a single chairman could easily find enough volunteers from among her own contacts in the community. A Fun Fair Board under the BCA was formed with a chairman and six directors. All the fair events were given a share value and participating groups received their shares and the balance of the shares went into a Fun Fair Capital Fund. In 1984 to the present the profits have been divided among just the participating groups.

Blackburn Fun Fair Distribution 1971 to 1995
Blackburn Home & School $ 1,100
Bearbrook Park $38,754
Fun Fair Capital Fund $ 21,959
Interest on Capital Fund 7% 12yrs $ 18,480
Group shares $ 149,216
Total $ 228,509

Over the years the Blackburn community has changed, the people have changed and the needs have changed. Maybe it is time to reflect on our Fun Fair and ask ourselves, is it time for another change?

Let us not take the Fun Fair for granted. It does not happen without a lot of effort and dedication from a lot of people!

The 25th Blackburn Fun Fair ’96

The 1996 Fun Fair committee has the” How” and the “5 W’s” under control for this 25th year celebration (except for the weather). Come out and enjoy.

What: Blackburn Hamlet FUN Fair Theme: “Then and Now”
When: May 31st and June 1, 1996
Where: Bearbrook Park and the Dance at the Blackburn Arena
Why: To have FUN as a total community And the spin off will be financial support to the groups helping
Who:. FUN for the young families. FUN for the older families. FUN for the new families. FUN for the children, adults, seniors. FUN fundraising for our community groups
How: Having a FUN and congenial committee. Lots of happy volunteers to help. Something for everyone at the fair. Good weather will help!

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