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From The President – What the BCA does

By Steve Palmer, President
Published in The BANAR February 1993

In this my fire message of the New Year I’d like to talk about what the BCA does. The BCA is a volunteer organization over 25 years old. In 1980 the BCA was officially incorporated as a non-profit organization in Ontario.

What does the BCA do?
The BCA publishes the BANAR. The BANAR à delivered to all residents of the Hamlet to keep them aware of what is happening locally.

The BCA is also a Recreation Association sponsoring various independent youth, senior and sporting activities.

As a Recreation Association we distribute about $40,000 in grants from the City of Gloucester to sport and recreation groups in the community. If you have applied for a grant from the BCA please make sure you are at the March meeting when the final grants are approved.

The BCA organizes a two day “Fun Fair”, this year in late May. h is a great kick off for the summer and provides a fundraising opportunity for local groups. There is more about this and a call for volunteers in this issue of the BANAR.

The BCA operates a summer children’s Day Camp. The Day Camp has a varied and active schedule for the children and provides employment opportunities for more than a dozen young people.

Together vvith the YM/YWCA the BCA ran a Teen Drop-In centre in 91/92. Unfortunately we’ve had difficulties in locating a facility for this and haven’t been able to continue the program.

The BCA loaned $15,000 to the Tennis club to help them construct their new facility.

The BCA represents the community at various levels of government on of concern to all residents. An example of this was our successful fight against locating an incinerator near the Hamlet. This year we are monitoring the NCC’s plans for the Greenbelt to determine the impact on the Hamlet.

The BCA holds all candidates meetings during elections and other community meetings for topics of broad concern.

The BCA hold regular monthly meetings to discuss the activities of the executive and what’s happening in the Hamkt. These meetings are open to everyone, and we make every opportunity for those who come to the meeting to have the time to give their opinions or discuss their concerns.

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