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Community Hall Update September 1998

Published in The BANAR September 1998
by Al Ross, Civic Affairs

The Community Hall construction is running about two months behind schedule; but it is running. There are two incidents that are responsible for this delay, one is political, the other financial. The first delay of a month occurred when consideration had to be given regarding the incorporation of a library facility with the Hall. The second, also a month, concerned cost estimates on the advanced design drawings, which significantly exceeded the allocated budget, and were only resolved in mid August through meetings with the City, architect, RPB and BCA. Modifications had to be incorporated into the tender documents which have been done, and we are now back in business.

The rise in the estimated costs is due to a number of factors, but the prime reason is the current boom in the construction industry in the Ottawa area. The Ministry of Education has released funds for the construction of new schools, and new housing starts are up, and some of the trades are on strike.

What’s Changed: With the cutbacks required to stay within budget we have lost the basement which would have contained the mechanical equipment and some storage. The mechanical equipment has been moved to the main level, but the overall size of the main hall has not been affected. The original plan called for a vaulted wooden ceiling over the entire area and this has now been modified to include only the main room. This will not affect the appearance of the main room, and will probably be preferred over the original concept. The roof design has been altered to make it less layered and complicated. Supports for the folding door which would have divided the main room into two meeting rooms has been removed. An alternate dividing system will be considered at a later date.

With these changes, we expect the tenders to come in *very close to our budget. I don’t believe the functionality of the Hall has been compromised, since the overall useable space has not been changed significantly.

What’s the next Step: The project schedule is ambitious, but quite realistic. Tender drawings are expected to be available by Aug 27th, and will close Sept 10th, with construction starting as early as Sept 15th. We are hoping for completion in early January, in time for the Pee Wee hockey tournament.

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