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Building Roadways Into The 90’s

Published in The BANAR, March 1990

The Region’s Transportation Department is responsible for ensuring that Ottawa-Carleton has an efficient road network which offers convenient access to employment centres, housing and other facilities throughout the Region. The Blackburn Hamlet By-Pass is one of the major roads currently being constructed to respond to the population growth in the East.

Blackburn Hamlet By-Pass

Since the mid-1970’s, when the Regional Official Plan was first introduced, the need was recognized for a southern by-pass of the Blackburn Hamlet community to relieve the traffic congestion on Innes Road. The rapid population growth east of Blackburn Hamlet in the East Urban Community (in Gloucester and Cumberland) has confirmed the need for the Blackburn Hamlet By-Pass.

The new By-Pass will run from the Regional Detention Centre to Innes Road, approximately 1/2 kilometre west of Orleans Boulevard. It will have two eastbound and two westbound lanes, separated by a wide median, without curbs. There will be an eastern and western connection to Blackburn Hamlet from the By-Pass. These intersections, plus the intersection of Navan Road and the By-Pass will have traffic signals. A signalized pedestrian crossing south of the Blackburn Arena will also be installed.

Widening of Lanes Road provided initial congestion relief

As a first step to relieve the traffic congestion, the Region constructed Innes Road between Blair Road and the Detention Centre to a six-lane roadway. This project which was completed in November of 1989, took two years to construct and included replacement of the existing two bridges across Green’s Creek and Mud Creek as well as construction of the new road.

Phase 1 and 2 of By-Pass to be completed by the end of 1990

At the beginning of the summer of 1989, construction started for Phase 1 of the By-pass, from the Regional Detention Centre to Kemp Road. This involved clearing a corridor and constructing a rock road base along this section. Earth berms to protect against noise and visual intrusion were also installed. The rock base for the road has been left to settle over the winter.

Construction on Phase 2 (Kemp Road to Innes Road East of Blackburn Hamlet) and the completion of paving Phase 1 will start, weather permitting, in the spring. It is expected that the road will be open to regular traffic by the end of the 1990 construction season.

Construction of Phase 3 to start in 1990

The design of Phase 3, which includes Innes Road, from Orleans Boulevard to the eastern end of the By-Pass, is now being reviewed by the Region in light of Minto Construction’s proposed residential subdivision (Chapel Hill South), South of lnnes Road. A public hearing will be held on this phase of the project on February 28, 1990. It Is expected that construction will begin in 1990, with completion in 1991.

By late summer 1991, it is anticipated that the complete Blackburn Hamlet By-Pass Project, phases 1, 2 and 3, will be in service.

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